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tv   9 News Now at 11pm  CBS  October 27, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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. this is 9news now. tonight we begin with newly released video from the aftermath of the lululemon murder. it was shown in court this afternoon during the trial and was released to the public tonight. >> andrea mccarren has been on the story round the clock since monday. she is live from the lululemon store in downtown bethesda with more on what happened today.
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andrea. >> reporter: well, derek and anita, we're going to show you some of the material we saw in court today but not everything. some of it is just too graphic and too disturbing to put on television. the crime scene was a shambles of merchandise, shattered glass, bloody footprints and broken lives. in court, a jury listened in stunned silence as an audio tape of brittany norwood was played. her hospital interview with the police detective hours after jayna murray was bludgeoned to death. words we now know were part of an elaborate life. she asks a chilling question. can you tell me how my friend is doing. newly released photographs from inside lululemon show the violent struggle that ensued. murray's bloodied coat, locks of her long blond hair on the hardwood floor, a mannequin's
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broken body. norwood sobbed they drug jayna by her hair. he was repeatedly hitting her and she was screaming and i couldn't do anything. in the store a red tool box held some implements of the murder. box cutters and blades. a bloodied hammer. nearby, a metal bar designed to hang clothing but used to end a promising life. norwood told police the two masked attackers sounded young and white and repeatedly called her the n word and there were threats. he told me if he heard another word, he would slit my throat. norwood's clothing was shown in court too. black stretch pants with the krosh cut out and slashes on the legs and a pair of her socks soaked in blood. testimony resumed tomorrow morning. there were so many spectators unable to get into the small courtroom today, the judge is actually considering changing the case to a larger venue. we are live in bethesda, andrea
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mccarren 9news now. >> each day learning a lot more. now, we've also learned during the trial jayna murray's cries may have heard and the cries were ignore. it appears to be another example of a psychological phenomena known as the bystander effect. according to washington dc psychiatrist dr. allen selarien, human brains are hard wired to avoid trouble. >> in many way it repeats animal behavior that most animals when they see danger they stay away from it. human beings who were listening to the noises were not in the state of mind of risk taking. the hell with it, you know. >> and he says no matter what you think, you cannot predict how you might react in a similar situation. but one thing is for sure. if you do reach out to help someone, you will have to surpass your hard wired instinct
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to avoid getting involved. and new at 11:00, firefighters are working the scene of a house fire in washington dc. when the crews arrived to the house, they saw heavy smoke out of the second floor. so far no injuries reported but a few roads in that area are shut down. no word yet on what caused it. anita. >> well, if you've been outside tonight, you know the wind is picking up. it's getting colder by the minute. the changes are coming and i'm here in the weather center with topper shutt. >> it's not crazy to get snow in october. it can happen. >> no. it's crazy. >> it is crazy. okay. it is crazy. i tell you what, the last couple of computer runs i've seen make it more and more likely. even downtown. let's go to the graphics. take a look at this. we average a trace of snow in november. the earliest measurable snowfall on the 10th of the month in 1979. we're at the end of the month here so we're well past that. we have warm ground and no worries. i say no worries right now. but, i tell you what, the things i'm looking at in the weather office are making me a little
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more concerned. the winds have picked up. the cold air is rushing in. wind gusts to 26 miles per hour at national. 30-mile an hour wind gust in manassas and 28-mile all the way down into fredericksburg. here comes the cold air too. 50s in fredericksburg. 43 in frederick. 45 in leesburg. it's already 32 out towards oakton. so when you go to work tomorrow or school, bundle up. 34-44 by 7:00. 45-50 by 9:00. we'll talk about frost advisories posted overnight and have the pending coastal storm on saturday. a troubled 10-year-old boy remains locked in the psychiatric ward of children hospital as the judge considers the hospital plea to throw him out. his mother doesn't want him at home, the father doesn't have the legal standing to take him and the hospital is being harmed
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by his presence there. more on this from gary nurenberg. >> reporter: well, the boy is in trouble, derek. ten years old, violent. stabbed a cousin in the eye. he has been suicidal. lives in prince george's county. but is being treated in the district which makes the bureaucracy seemingly unsurementable. the hospital says he needs to be somewhere else and has gone to court to force social services agency to take him off their hands. >> the clinical team has come to the conclusion the child did not need to be in a closed psychiatric unit which is the most restrictive setting for any child. and i think it's unfortunate for the child because if the child stays beyond the time where the child really needs that level of service, the child does get demorelized. it's a set back. if he's being taken care of in the district, how do we nav gait and how do we -- navigate and
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how do we access resources to take the best care of the child. this is not the only 10-year-old. there are many children in this situation. >> reporter: maybe some good here. >> and i'm really optimistic that this will get people around the table and say next time we have a child like this, how are we going to act differently. and so let's be optimistic about it and move forward. >> is this boy going to be okay? >> i believe he will be. >> reporter: so that's her hope for the future. but what about the 10-year-old now? a superior court judge jumped into the bureaucratic mess on thursday ordering dc's government to investigate whether the child has been legally abandoned. he ordered prince george's county to come up with a plan for treating the boy there. everybody back in court on monday. in the meantime, that boy remains locked in that psych ward. derek and anita. >> wow. thank you, gary. >> clearly not a good solution.
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the occupy dc protest is now four weeks strong. and there are no signs of protestors backing down. that involves concern among some people who live and work near the square who say noise has become a pretty big problem. >> you can understand that. of course now they have reached out to 9news now and our brittany morehouse is live to explain just how she may have brokered a possible solution to all of this. brittany. >> reporter: keep our fingers crossed. a solution that starts with one simple e-mail from a law student at george washington university. she lives right there across the street from the protest where i'm standing. and she has one simple request. a little quieter, please, after hours. >> when they first got here, you couldn't see any of the tents. >> reporter: from her window, she can see every movement. she can hear every shout. coming from the occupy dc protest. >> a lot of the time during the day with the honking and the cheering and then the jostling of people set off a lot of car alarms. >> reporter: last night it reached a new level. there was a lot of singing and
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cheering. >> it was about 2:00 in the morning. >> reporter: and outburst inspired by occupy oakland. since protestors here are protesting freedom of speech. they don't have to get a permit, let alone pay for it. but they still must follow federal regulations outlined in a flyer handed out by park police yesterday. >> people were concerned about the noise. >> it wasn't addressed in the flyer. >> reporter: okay. so there is no rule. but consider this. >> i would be expected not to be noisy inside my apartment where i live. i wouldn't be forced to leave. but i would like them to know there are people living here. >> i didn't know of any apartments here or have not heard of any complaints as yet. >> reporter: okay. we've gotten some. >> reas . does that concern you and would you consider cutting off the noise at midnight? >> we will look at it. >> reporter: look at it.
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that doesn't sound too promising. so i tell him about sam specifically. a law school student trying to study for finals. >> now that i've heard that, i'll talk to my person and we will work towards getting that information into our ga so that then they can decide. >> reporter: and that is the group that actually votes on rules that they apply here as a collective group. now, little human interest seems to go a long way in the world of compassion and let's hope that goes a long way. we'll see if that ends up happening. we're live outside, i'm brittany morehouse, 9news now. >> big hopes for diplomacy. according to the associated press, in the case of sulaimon brown, he told prosecutors that now dc mayor vincent gray handed him a list of talking points to use in last year's campaign against then incumbent mayor
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adrian fenty. that grand jury is investigating brown's claims that he was paid by fenty and he was promised a job in the gray administration. the mayor denies any wrongdoing. he knows nothing about any payments to brown. meanwhile the plan to generate money for the city is also generating a heated debate. he's presenting a sales tax on all of the concessions at movies ranging from popcorn to gummy bears. a lot of the folks we talked to said movie snacks are already too pricey. anita. >> you've had a long day, you want to get home, but instead you're stuck in traffic and the wait is even longer because someone else is blocking the intersection. [ horn honking ] >> it's something we've all dealt with, even done at times. and every time it just makes the gridlock worse in an already conquested traffic nightmare. in dc last year, police gave out
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1500 tickets for blocking the box. so at 100 bucks a ticket, we're talking the district made $155,000. now, that is good news for the city, but ticketing drivers is not going to solve the problem. >> too many cars, too many people and not enough officers patrolling and controlling the intersections. >> the drivers 9news spoke to today disagree. they say gridlock tickets have to be part of the solution in dc's traffic problems are ever to be solved. the district has talked about installing gridlock cameras that would generate tickets for people caught in the box. there is no sign of that happening any time soon. still ahead tonight, drunk-o-rexia. it's people who booze it up at night and not eat so they can
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watch their weight. >> drunk-o-rexia is coming up.
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it's fall colleges in full swing. future ballgames, fraternity
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parties and easy access to booze despite the legal drinking ages. some students restrict what they eat so they can drink even more. in tonight's health alert, drunk-o-rexia and college students battle to get better. >> i think initially i thought that it was a way to control my weight and kind of have the gymnast body that i wanted. >> reporter: 23-year-old samantha has battled eating disorders for much of her young life, including binge exercising and bulimia. she poured her energy into a gymnastic team during college. >> food was the only thing i could control. and i had to control every little aspect of it. >> we often hear them everybody knows about the freshman 15. and there is a lot of fear about that. >> reporter: page morris is a psycho therapist and director of the center in maryland. many eating disorders and addictions come to a head in the
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college years when pressure increase and kids are living away from home. >> when you're drinking a lot of beer at these keg parties, the girls are worried about -- and men too -- are worried about gaining that weight. >> reporter: it's been dubbed drunk-o-rexia. someone who con serves or restricts calories during the day so they can go out and party at night. >> i did manipulate my calorie intake throughout the day. sometime i used alcohol bingeing bunching and restricting. >> reporter: in the end the food excesses left samantha in a downward spiral. >> it was a way i could get out and be around friends and be doing stuff. and if i got sick from drinking alcohol and ended up getting rid of calories in that way, it was so much more acceptable. >> statistics show 25% of college women do engage in this bingeing and purging as a way to
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control their weight. and something else to note, a person doesn't have to be critically thin to be suffering from an eating disorder. >> if you can't look at somebody and tell they have the problem, how do you know? >> it's kind of scary stuff but here are some clear warning signs. when your college student comes home and they feel like saying they're super full or sick even when they eat a normal amount. that's not good. getting on the scale again and again to check weight and exercising to a level of obsession. some of these kids are going to the gym a couple times of day to try to counteract as the freshman 15. so any time it gets to the obsessive point, that's when a parent needs to step in. >> when you're 17 or 18 or 19, that's when you don't have to worry about your weight vingt right. that's what we think. but this is especially when they first go away from home and the pressures mount, that is when when it comes to a head. i saw some data this afternoon that made my eyes pop out of my head. >> out of your head. >> out of my head. i put them back in.
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now this evening this storm is getting bigger. it's getting more intense and the snow line is inching its way towards town. let's start with the frost advisory. we can't forget about that. frederick county west all the way through the panhandle of west virginia. you jump the line and you go up into pennsylvania near adams and fulton, you are under a freeze warning for tonight. winds will die down after midnight. so you need a jacket with a cold start tomorrow. no doubt about that. rain is possible now for high school football. originally i thought it would be dry. we may see some rain, especially the games south of town could be light, cold rain before the games are over. we have a coastal storm on saturday that each passing computer guidance gets bigger and stronger and it's in a perfect spot. the rain could go to a storm west of i95. now i think we may even see snow all the way to i95, the corridor. we'll keep you posted on that.
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and howard will be in here in the morning at 4:25. another round of guidance. at 5:30 in the morning a few clouds. still some sun. and high clouds kind of thicken up. it will stay dry during the day tomorrow but look what happens at 5:00, 6:00. this might be a little bit -- a little bit premature, but you get the point the rain is coming back in much quicker. about 11:00 this time tomorrow, we're going to see light rain and cold rain. and then what happens, we didn't see this over the last couple of days. now we're looking at yellows which is a moderate rain. and look at the red over salisbury which means heavy rain. so the rain is relly taking shape to -- really taking shape to intensify. what is going to happen is as we get the heavy precipitation, it's going to drag down colder air. so the snow-rain line is going to push gradually eastward as we go through the day on saturday. saturday morning it will be all rain. overnight clear, much colder, frost advisory north.
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by morning partly cloudy and cold. need a jacket. 30s and 40s. winds not a factor. then by afternoon increasing clouds. it will still be chilly. high temperatures near 55 and winds turn northeasterly at about ten. all right. next seven days, here we go. clouds come in tomorrow. 39. i lowered the temp to 39 on saturday. not going to move at all really temperature wise. the best chance for snow would be in the afternoon as the storm system really intensifies and drags down the colder air. in the morning it will be a cold rain. still salvage on sunday. knock the temps down to 52. halloween dry. upper 50s. clouds come in halloween night. that will make it all the more spooky and it will make it a dry trick-or-treat. >> spooky is fine. caps playing tonight and they're going to go undefeated for the whole season, right? >> we would hope. 82-0. we'll take that. the capitals seem to have found their groove. they're 7-0 to start the season but they're undefeated record is on the line this week as the
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capitals embark on their 1 multi-game road trip of the season. up first the edmonton oilers. we have karl asner getting the score and right now it is 2-1 edmonton. so hopefully they can pull it out. to thursday night football, virginia cavaliers. the 4th michael rocko connects. 78-yard touchdown. there is nobody around them. cavs get the two point conversion. beat the hurricanes. 28-21. time now to announce our game of the week. the winner is st. mary's at paul 6th. bundle up tomorrow night. highlights will be in our coverage tomorrow night. coming up next on 9 news, our redskins experts are here to weigh in on kris coolly's bold statement plus this sunday's game against buffalo.
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? welcome back to 9news now. i am joined by our redskins analyst brian mitchell and our
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insider david elston to talk about the game. kris cooley talked about the game for the first time. i want you to listen to what he said today. >> i'm not blaming anybody. i feel 100 percent i'm a casualty for the season of the lockout. i think it was a shame that they didn't let players who had surgeries spend time with the doctors and trainers that they trust on a daily basis. >> i understand going to doctors that you know and trust. but you're a football player. you can find a doctor to help you. david, what do you think about what he had to say today? >> you know, it's somewhat legitimate. but the thing is all of the off season practices chris was there for all of them. he wasn't limping. didn't look like he was suffering. but when he started doing real football work, his knee swelled up. i don't know how much rehab would have made. >> your body is your tool. you have to take care of yourself. and many of the guys don't trust
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the team doctor anyway. kris cooley makes enough money he could have found somebody. >> is this the last we've seen of chris? he said today he's coming back? do you think we'll see him next year. >> mike shanahan said the right thing about chris. hopefully he can come back and be productive. the key for cooley in some way is davis is a free agents. if they resign davis, i don't see how cooley is here. >> i'm a former player and i'll say read the writing on the wall. when you start hearing rumors, you start feeling things, it's normally true. he may come back, but he may come back on another football team. >> all right. now it is time for our redskins pre game pick. we'll talk with offense. who gets the edge. >> the third ranked offense in the game. bills. >> unless you make a mistake, i agree with dave. >> in terms of defense, who are you going with on that one?
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>> buffalo is not real good on defense. the redskins. >> the redskins don't give us as many. the last two weeks they looked bad but i think the better defense is the washington redskins. >> and coaching? >> mike shanahan despite his struggles here is one of the bigger winners in history. >> we're talking about right now and right now the buffalo bills are getting the best. we once thought the team was the win for the redskins. we're finding out they are getting everything out of the player. the buffalo bills have the better coaches. i think mike shanahan and his crew are under achieving. >> in terms of score prediction, i guess i'll give mine for the week. i'm going with the bills 27-20. >> bills 21-20. >> i'll go buffalo 27-17. >> all right. we're somewhat keeping it close. we'll see what happens on sunday in toronto. 4:05 is kickoff. thanks for joining us. 9news will return right after this.
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all right. there is the bell there we go. 54 tomorrow. clouds come in. cold rain develops tomorrow night into saturday morning. that rain could change to snow west of i95 saturday afternoon. mr. bernstein will have an update tomorrow morning. >> as long as trick-or-treat is dry, i'm okay. >> kristin picked the bills again. i wish i could be mad, but no. >> you have to be realistic here. >> good night everybody.
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